If you are in a tough spot with little chance of success or escaping then 'behind the 8 ball' is an apt description. It is derived from the the game of pool and there are different explanations of it's exact reference but basically it means you are 'snookered' (to borrow another realated term).
So the number 8 is one that can be wheeled out by all of us, I'm sure, on a regular basis. Could be a work problem, a clash of social engagements or a caught in the bus lane by a vigilant garda.
The number 8 has a very high profile in everyday life and 'stuff'.
- We might be more used to litres as a measure these days but we will always remember that 1 gallon = 8 pints.
- Our favourite insect, the spider, has 8 legs as do scorions while an octopus must be the only living creature that has 8 arms.
- Do you listen to or play music? Then be aware of the 'octave' or 8 notes.
- The number 8 is considered a lucky number by the Chinese as it sounds similar to the Chinese words for wealth and fortune. A telephone number comprising of 8's only was sold in China for €270,000.
- The opening cermony of Beijing summer Olympics of 2008 started at precisely at 8 seconds after 8 minutes after 8pm (local time) on 8th day of the 8th month in '08.
- Even airlines flying in and out of China make use of the number 8. KLM from Hong to Amsterdam is KL888, UA888 is United Airlines from San Francisco to Beijing and Air Canada use AC88 from Toronto to Shanghai.
- Our universe has 8 planets. It used to be 9 up until 2006 when Pluto was re-catagorised as a 'dwarf planet''. The 8 Planets are - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.