Numbers Fun

A simple maths challenge.

Using the 5 digits   1      5     5     5     5 ( a 1 and for 5's)

Combine them, using any combination of grouping, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
to create 100 as the answer.

Check Comments at the bottom of this page to find the answer...

This is a numbers 'illusion' that can freak you out.
Can you figure out how it works ?


How to prove that 5=6

For this you will need a little bit of understanding (or memory) of equations.

Let's start with 2 simple expressions
5 x 0 = 0  
6 x 0 = 0

Put this another way and we have the equation    5 x 0 = 6 x 0
All clear, simple and factually correct so far.

Now, we divide both sides of the equation ( a standard solution in solving equations) by the same number (in this case zero)

                5 x 0       6 x 0          5 x 0      6 x 0
                -----  =   -----    =    -----  =  -----   Therefore 5 = 6
                  0             0                          0

Ok, we know it can't be but it's a nice one to throw at the maths teacher. !
And what it really shows is the magic of the number 0 or zero !

How Many A's in 100 numbers?

A is the 3rd most common letter in the english language (after e and t).
But how many times does 'a' appear in the spelling of all the 100 numbers from 1 to 100?
This is not a trick question but the answer may surprise.

Answer - there are no 'a's in the spelling of any number from 1 -100. Don't believe me ? Find one!

 Multiply by 11 - The Quick Way

What is 24 x 11 - quickly ? Can you do it in your head ? Would you like to an amaze your friends?

11 x 24 = 264
Now, the short cut ....
  1. Seperate the 24 with a space like so        2  4  
  2. Add the 2 digits in 24 = 6
  3. Slot the 6 into the space between 2 and 4. What have you got? 264
 So to mutiply a 2 digit number x 11 fast just add the two numbers and slot the resulting answer in between them.
Another example: 63 x 11 .... 6+3 = 9 , place that in the middle and you have 693.

If the 2 numbers add up to more than 9 just take the right number in the resulting answer for the middle part and add the left part to the first number . Example 75 x 11 ... 7+5=12, the 2 goes in the middle and the 1 is added to the 7 = 825

Here's your practice test   81 x 11 ?


Your Telephone Number and the number 9

Here is a curious little trick ....
  • Write down the last 6 digits of your telephone number in order.
  • Now create a 2nd number by re-arranging those same 6 digits, in any order.
  • Next subtract the smaller of the 2 sumbers from the larger one
  • Finally, add up all the digits in the answer
  • The answer will always be a multiple of 9 and more often than not will be 27.

Example - last 6 digits = 655421
                 rearranged    245651
                     655421 - 245651 = 409770
                     4+0+9+7+7+0 = 27

Try it - works all the time. If it's not 27  it will most likely be 18


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